International Conferences

  1. “Recent concepts in the Management of UGI Bleed” as a part of CME organized by IMA branch OF Katmandu held in Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu ,Nepal on 14th June 2005.
  2. “Treatment of resistant Chronic HCV infection” as a part of Pegasus Stand lone conference (International Experts Conference) held in Hotel Hyatt, Hong Kong, on 5th February 2006.
  3. “Liver Week 2006” Liver Meeting of the SAARC countries organized by Pakistani Liver Society, Karachi Pakistan on 29th November to December 3rd 2006.
  4. “Role of prophylactic antibiotics in acute pancreatitis” as a speaker during symposium organized by Ranbaxy in Dubai 22nd -24TH June 2007.
  5. “Current concepts in management of Viral Hepatitis” and “Recent advances in Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy”. As an international speaker during CME organized by Napleese IMA at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu, Nepal 14th July 2007.
  6. Management issues in the management of Hepatitis B in patients with chronic kidney disease “as speaker during international symposium organized by Roche at hotel, held in Malaysia, on 19th July 2008.
  7. “Management of Hepatitis B” as a speaker during Liver Week 2008” Liver Meeting of the SAARC countries organized by Pakistani Liver Society, Karachi Pakistan on 27th - 29th November 2008.
  8. “Management of Drug Resistance in the Treatment of Hepatitis B”as a speaker during 1st GI & Liver Scientific Meeting AT Yangon ,Myanmar 0n 27th – 28TH Feb 2010
  9. Routine use of liver biopsy in the diagnosis of NAFLD”during debate organized during Hepatology live ‘single theme conference organized in Rome on 14th May 2011
  10. Causes of upper GI bleed as a speaker during CME on GI Bleed organized by Society of gastroenterologist of Kathmandu, at Hotel Shangri-La on 11th June 2011.
  11. “Current management of ALDas a speaker during during1st international best practice workshop2011 organized by Liver health foundation in Pattaya, Thailand on 24th Sep 2011.
  12. “What is new in gastroenterology “as a speaker during apsl conference organized at Dhaka on 7th October 2012.
  13. “Today’s management of upper GI bleeding-Simple to advance drugs to devices” as a speaker  during 11th international conference organized by society of internal medicine of Nepal in Hotel  Soaltee crown plaza on 5th April 2013.
  14. “Symposium 2: “Viral Hepatitis” HBsAg quantitative assessment –Hope or hype as a moderator  during annual international scientific conference 2013”   organized by Pakistan society of hepatology at crystal hall, pearl continental hotel ,Lahore  on 16th Nov 2013.
  15. “Symposium 4: “Transplantation of the liver” as a moderator during annual international scientific conference 2013”   organized by Pakistan society of hepatology at crystal hall, pearl continental hotel, Lahore on 17th Nov 2013.
  16. “What is new in gastroenterology “as a speaker during conference organized by Pakistan society of liver disease in Hotel Pearl continental, Bhurban, Pakistan on 16th -20th April 2014.
  17. Current therapy of  Hepatitis C” “as a speaker during GAIN conference organized by Alkem in Hotel Diamond in Manila on 9th August 2014
  18. “What is new in gastroenterology “as a speaker during CME organized by Abbott in Hotel Hyatt Kathmandu on 14th August 2014.
  19.  “Status of liver transplantation in India “ Ist national conference organized by Nepalese society of gastroenterologists in Soaltee Crowne Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal on 31st - Oct 2nd Nov 2014.
  20. “Cirrhosis of Liver –Can We Delay Progression or Reverse It?” as a speaker during 11th Annual International Conference organized by Association for the study of the Liver, Dhaka, Bangladesh at   International Conference Centre(BICC) Dhaka, Bangladesh on 17th Jan 2015.
  21. “What is new in gastroenterology” as a speaker during conference in Hotel yak and Yeki, Kathmandu on 7th  Feb 2015
  22. “Hepatitis C & B management”   as a speaker during CME organized at Radisson blu hotel in Nepal on 30th Jan. 2016.
  23. 12 April to 18 April. Barcelona.
  24. “Liver- case discussionas a speaker during annual scientific congress of the Malaysian society of gastroenterology and hepatology organized by GUT in Shangri-La hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 23rd July 2016.
  25. “Management of alcoholic hepatitis” as a speaker during annual scientific congress of the Malaysian society of gastroenterology and hepatology organized by GUT in Shangri-La hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 23rd July 2016.
  26. “Therapeutic approach for NASH patientsas a speaker during annual scientific congress of the Malaysian society of gastroenterology and hepatology organized by GUT in Shangri-La hotel Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 23rd July 2016.
  27. “What is new in gastroenterologyas a speaker during CME organized at Bangkok & Pattaya state of Thailand on 14th -15th Oct. 2016.
  28. “What is new in gastroenterologyas a speaker during CME organized at Nepal on 9th-10th December 2016.
  29.  “Diverse Culture & Impact on Healthas a speaker on Management of viral hepatitis in the scientific meeting organized by Kazakh National Medical in ALMIGHTY Diverse Culture & Impact on Healthas a speaker on Management of viral hepatitis in the scientific meeting organized by Kazakh National Medical in ALMIGHTY  on 19th May 2017     
  30. MANAGEMENT OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS REACTIVATION IN IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST in the scientific meeting organized by 5TH Annual  South Asian association for the  study of liver held in Colombo on 21st and 22nd july 2017.
  31. MANAGEMENT OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS REACTIVATION IN IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST in the scientific meeting organized by 5TH Annual  South Asian association for the  study of liver held in Colombo on 21st and 22nd july 2017.
  32. Role of quantitative core antigen in diagnosis of Hepatitis C as a speaker,CME organized by Abbott Diagnostics on 15th Feb 2018
  33.   Is Cirrhosis reversible ‘’as a speaker during conference organized by Myanmar liver society in Hotel Novotel   Yangon on 16th February 2018
  34. NAFLD –Management’’as a speaker during CME  organized by Wochardt at Radisson blu, Yeravaan ,Aremenia on 23rd May 2018
  35.  Hepatitis B infection treatment reimbursement policy,indian guidelines’’ as a speaker during Single theme conference under the agesis of APASAL at Hotel Hyatt ,Taipei on 22nd June 2018 .
  36. NAFLD and Metabolic Syndrome,which comes first ‘’as a speaker  during  6th  SASAL conference ,at Hotel     Annapurna ,Kathmandu on 14th July 2018
  37. Metabolic Syndrome as a speaker in Nepal on 24th Feb. 2019.
  38. POEM management of achalasia cardia in 2nd international conference of gastroenterology in Kathmandu on 5th April 2019.
  39. What is new in gastroenterology organized by wockhardt in Kathmandu on 14th june 2019.
  40. Kidney pathogenesis in Chronic liver disease”as a speaker in the international Congress VI Central Asian Gastroenterogy week ,organized by The Ministry of Health Of the Republic of Khazkhastan ,Khazakhstan Association of Study of Liver and Kazakh Scientific Society for the study of intestines at Best Western Plus Atekentpark HotelRepublic of Khazakhastan Almaty on 4th Oct 2019.
  41. As a speaker during CME organized at Hotel Annapurna ,Kathmandu on 20th Dec 2019
  42. Regenrative therapy in Liver diseases is hope or Hype “as a speaker during 3rd international Conference of Bangladesh Stemcelland regenerative Medicine Society at Shaheed Milan Hall ,Banglabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medica University Dhaka on 26thDec 2019.
  43. “The Nepalese association of surgical gastroenterology” organized 3rd international conference at Kathmandu, Nepal on 23rd to 24th Feb 2024.
  44. “Tuth Gastro Update 2024” as a speaker co-organized by gastroenterology department of NAMS at Kathmandu on 2nd March 2024.